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Kinder mit Globus
Schüler auf dem Flur

Module 3:
Subsequent acquisition of the lower secondary school leaving certificate

Ein Junge lächelt in die Kamera und hält ein Klemmbrett in der Hand.


Frau Kalamenovich
Bildungs- und Integrationszentrum Kreis Paderborn
Sachgebiet Kommunales Integrationszentrum

Tel.05251 308-4644
Fax05251 308-894699
E-Mail-AdresseE-Mail senden
mehr erfahren

For whom?

18-27 year-olds with a resident permit "Duldung" or "Aufenthaltsgestattung" who live in the district of Paderborn


The target group is given the opportunity to acquire a secondary school leaving certificate at a later stage in order to improve their prospects of entering training or employment. Special focus is placed on providing language support and strengthening skills in the area of "learning to learn".


In order to obtain a secondary school leaving certificate, the participants attend the educational programme comparable to the International Support Classes (IFK) in vocational colleges for young refugees. The additional mo-dules "German as a foreign language or German as a second language (DaF/DaZ)" and "Learning to learn" are taught in as well as the subject-specific classes.


Not yet decided


Not yet decided

Who will carry out the course?

Not yet decided

Who funds the course?

The Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs and the Ministry for Children, Family, Refugees and Integration of North Rhine-Westphalia and the district of Paderborn.

Further modules


Sponsors and cooperation partners

Logo Ministerium für Kinder, Familie, Flüchtlinge und Integration des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Logo Ministerium für Kinder, Familie, Flüchtlinge und Integration des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Logo Durchstarten in Ausbildung und Arbeit
Logo Durchstarten in Ausbildung und Arbeit
Logo Ministerium für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Logo Ministerium für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen


Kreis Paderborn
Aldegreverstraße 10–14
33102 Paderborn


Telefon: 05251 308 - 4610
Telefax: 05251 308 - 4699
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